Sunday, February 12, 2012

This photo is of my local news station website in my hometown.  I am not surprised, but sadly I do not see one positive story......This negativity the news media conveys transfers into our lives and puts our freedom at a halt.

According to Hall’s Essay on Representation, the Constructionist approach says that “things don’t mean—We construct meaning” by using our representational systems: concepts and signs.  However, the 'we' in this situation refers to the news media.  The news media use these representational signs to control and construct the meaning of the message.

Listed below are some of the top stories featured on the MSNBC news program.  At the very beginning of the program the reporter foreshadowed the top news stories of the day.  But, how he precisely worded each story almost guarantees much anticipation from the audience...

"Death of a Superstar: What Happened in that Beverly Hills hotel room? We remember her fame, troubled life, and legacy"

"A Greek drama playing out in Athens--Over 100,000 people gathered to protest--Cops responding with tear gas--Will these new reforms be sufficient to save this country from eventual default?" 

"Record low temps--Even in parts of Florida we have a freeze warning in effect and shelters have been opened up as well" 

"Record highs--Gas prices sky rocket and the pain at the pump is just getting started--If you think its bad now, just wait..."

The news media undeniably chooses certain words for certain stories.  Words that I underlined such as death, troubled, drama, and protest all build on news medias construction.  Furthermore, most TV content is constructed by social codes before being taped/aired.  Social codes refer to the reporters appearance, dress, and speech.  

Both reporters covering this story are dressed very respectable and speak with a very serious, professional tone, all adding to the construction of meaning.  Additionally, the camera angles, lighting, editing, etc also act as very important constructing strategies to news. 

Images and videos of snowy roads with car pile ups are increasing our fears and anxiety of traveling in sketchy weather.  Images, editing, appearance, speech, choice of wording, angles, etc all magnify our fear. News media use these concepts and signs and construct them into ideologic codes.  What the news media say manufactures our reality, purposely overwhelming us with fear.

The Fear Exhibit is an interesting website that closely relates to what we are learning in class. The link below shows the actual vs perceived risks of 'dangerous' situations that we are told to fear.

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